Ninth task

What are the two IP addresses of the Cobalt Strike servers? Use VirusTotal (the Community tab) to confirm if IPs are identified as Cobalt Strike C2 servers. (answer format: enter the IP addresses in sequential order)

From the description on Mitre:

'[Cobalt Strike]( is a commercial, full-featured, remote access tool that bills itself as "adversary simulation software designed to execute targeted attacks and emulate the post-exploitation actions of advanced threat actors". Cobalt Strike’s interactive post-exploit capabilities cover the full range of ATT&CK tactics, all executed within a single, integrated system.'

We can also find the information that Cobalt Strike can communicate using HTTP, HTTPS and DNS.
We can find the IP addresses in the Statistics > Conversations > TCP, and now we have to look for those that fit the description.

VirusTotal is a free analysis service for files and URL's for malicious content. We can input the IP address and see if it's been flagged.

virus total result

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